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Re: New York Times article

At 3:03 PM 10/11/95, Prince, Cheryl wrote:

> So, now I'm completely confused. Didn't we already know that, on its own, the
> internet is hardly secure for the transmission of sensitive data?? The
> does not explore these new "flaws" in the context of all the various security
> architectures and firewalls etc. that have been and are being developed and
> implemented. Has anyone else read the piece? Would anyone venture to make any
> sense of it?

I'd also thought that we all knew better than to run NFS on any host that's
visible to the outside world.  I hated having to follow a page one story to
the third section to figure out that it was content-free.

I really don't see what NFS has to do with netscape security (as implied by
the article).


Chris Garrigues                                         cwg@DeepEddy.Com
  Deep Eddy Internet Consulting                          +1 512 432 4046
  609 Deep Eddy Avenue
  Austin, TX  78703-4513    USA            http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/
